This study aimed to determine the effect of cyberbullying behavior on emotional exhaustion level and whether job stress plays a mediating role in this effect. In this context, variables were examined comprehensively, and the concepts of cyberbullying, emotional exhaustion, and job stress were explained. Research hypotheses were developed by considering the studies and theoretical theories on the subject. In order to test the hypotheses, data was collected from 212 private sector employees using the convenience sampling method. The data were analyzed using SPSS and PROCESS MACRO programs. As a result of the analysis, it was seen that cyberbullying behavior positively affected emotional exhaustion through job stress. When the effect of job stress on emotional exhaustion was examined, it was seen that there was a positive effect. When the analysis findings regarding the mediating effect were evaluated, it was determined that job stress played a mediating role in the effect of cyberbullying behavior on emotional exhaustion. Although our research made some contributions to the literature, it also had some limitations. The fact that the sample in the study was selected from one province and only included private banking sector employees prevented the findings from covering the whole. It may be recommended that future studies be conducted using different sampling methods in different provinces and sectors.