Considering the importance of whistleblowing in the public sector, this study aims to investigate the impact of ethical leadership on whistleblowing intentions by using organizational identification as a mediator and individual locus of control as a moderator. The data has been collected from mid-level managers working at the primary and secondary health care departments in Pakistan using survey questionnaires. Convenience sampling has been used to collect data. The data was analyzed through Smart PLS using the structural equation modeling technique. The study adds value to the literature by analyzing the impact of ethical leadership on whistleblowing intentions. Organizational identification has been analyzed to check its mediating impact, and LOC has been discussed as a moderator to see its influence on the relationship between ethical leadership and whistleblowing intentions. This study is helpful for public-sector healthcare organizations to boost whistleblowing. The Prime Minister Portal is also an effort to boost whistleblowing, and a large number of whistles have been observed during the past few months.