Communication management is critical in promoting products and services in an environment of volatility. It involves creating effective communication strategies to reach the target audience and provide them with the information they need to make informed purchasing decisions. The research aims to study communication management strategies and identify the most effective ones to ensure the full-fledged operation of an organization in negative conditions of its activity. The research methodology comprises general scientific (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction) and special (abstraction, concretization, comparison) methods. The results analyze and systematize potential risks for companies in the process of promoting goods and services under conditions of uncertainty and also offer practical recommendations for minimizing risks. It was revealed that the main practical directions in managing communications in conditions of instability are the creation and/or strengthening of a strong company brand, the use of digital marketing, as well as crisis communication strategies. It is noted that, in general, the promotion of goods and services in conditions of instability is a complex and responsible task that requires a comprehensive and evidence-based approach. Relying on scientific reflection and a comprehensive study of the causes of instability, as well as effective communication and interaction strategies, it is possible not only to promote goods and services in an environment of instability but also to shape a more stable and sustainable future for the company.