This study investigates the relationship between self-efficacy and Organization Citizenship Behavior (OCB), moderated by incivility and mediated by pro-social motivation. Self-efficacy is the employee's belief in him about his skills to perform tasks in different situations. The direct and indirect effects of self-efficacy of teachers towards their OCB through prosocial motivation have been observed in this study. For this purpose, data has been collected through questionnaires (N = 301) using convenience sampling in three-time phases with two weeks gaps between each phase. SPSS 22.0 and Amos 22.0 were used along with Process by Hayes for moderated mediation analysis. The results indicate that self-efficacy leads to organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and pro-social motivation, moderated by incivility and mediated by pro-social motivation. In a nutshell, this study demonstrates self-efficacy enhances pro-social motivation and OCB within academic settings with reference to Pakistan, advocating that if teachers are confident to perform a task, they can also demonstrate their extra-role behavior. The present study contributes to the literature by analyzing the novel framework within the Pakistan context. The mediating effect of prosocial motivation between teachers’ self-efficacy and OCB has not been discussed in the prior studies. The implications, discussion, and conclusion are also discussed.