In recent years, specializing different trends has faded role of architectural space and architectural design in management and leadership of organizations. For example, today, fewer management specialists think about architectural design issues and fewer architects think deeply of leadership, management, and systematic thought. While it seems that what these two areas have in common is significantly beneficial. In any organization, human resources are main factor, thus, recognition of human and promoting criteria of human resource productivity is essential to achieve success of the organization. Today, working environment in organizations is of important issues addressed continuously in meetings and papers and importance and quality of creating an effective and appropriate environment for human resources is emphasized; in fact, workplace has a direct relation to increase or decrease the organizational performance. There are factors that if they go unnoticed in design of workplace, organizational works will not be done properly and they will face a decrease in returns. This study aims to recognize the relation between the architectural space and promoting the human resource productivity that accordingly, it is required to identify the methods of promoting human resource productivity in organizations and discern the impact of environment on behavior.