Sometimes authors whose articles have been rejected because of plagiarism claim that they had no knowledge about these similarities and have happened accidentally. Hence it is recommended that all the articles and research get paraphrased before submission. Because it is possible that the authors inadvertently use a sentence or text mentioned in one of the many thousands of journals existing. Other sources used in all review and research articles should be paraphrased. This is not limited to articles; data not referenced to sources must be paraphrased in all academic research work and dissertations. The person responsible for paraphrasing must have the relevant expertise in all these.
How to paraphrase articles:
Paraphrasing means to rewrite a text without changing the meaning. For this, you should make sure that the reader clearly understands the subject. Paraphrasing is more than replacing words. It is important to grasp and express someone else's ideas. It is also different from summarizing. When summarizing, the main idea in your own words is presented, only intending to reduce the length. But in paraphrasing, the aim is to give more information about the main idea rather than reducing the number of sentences. You can even write a longer text.
When paraphrasing, you should first have sufficient knowledge about the subject. Also, you need to use the right methodology. The following steps are particularly recommended:
- Read the text several times carefully.
- Note the key concepts.
- Write your own take of the text without looking it up.
- Compare your text with the original and make the necessary changes for very similar sentences.
- Cite the references.
Tips for finding out about the extent of plagiarism. For this, you need to determine the extent of similarity by using technical methods. After that, you need to eliminate the similarities. You can use the following methods:
- Use synonyms.
- Summarize.
- Edit the grammar.
- Change the sequence of sentences.
- Analyze and dissect the information into separate paragraphs.
The preceding five methods are the safest ways to paraphrase, which the authors can also use. They can determine the extent of the similarities and paraphrase them according to the five methods above.