Tips for choosing the right journal for paper publishing

1.       One of the most important features of publishing a paper is choosing and finding the journals that are best suited to the paper's subject area. Journals usually cover topics around narrow fields. So to find the most relevant journal, it is important to focus attention on the research areas that each journal covers.

2.       Another important feature for suitability is the journal's level. The journal's level should not be below the paper's level, and also, the paper's level must be suited for the journal's level. 

3.       It is also important to learn about the duration of the reviewing process. If the peer-reviewing process is too long, maybe it will be better to consider other journals.

4.       Focusing on the journal that you have selected is the next step. It is necessary to read the journal's website content and the instructions. It is also necessary to carefully read the relevant papers which have been published in the journal recently.

5.       Once you have chosen the journal to submit your manuscript, read the "Authors guidelines" on the journal webpage. In this section, authors can find the journal publication standards such as; aims and scopes, Editorial policies and ethical considerations, author licensing, publication process after acceptance, etc. This is to assure that the submission materials are in accordance with the "Author Guidelines".

6.       Once you are familiarized with the "Author guidelines", revise your manuscript accordingly to make sure that the manuscript fits in the chosen journal. It is recommended that the best way to address the improvement in the manuscript is to keep the revised manuscripts to evaluate the progress in the manuscript after revisions.

7.       Language wash/ English Correction.

8.       Once you have revised your manuscript, To facilitate proper peer-reviewing of your manuscript, it is essential that it is submitted in grammatically correct English.