Call for papers for Special Issue: International Journal of Organizational Leadership


Organization of companies and public and private administrations: Ethics, management, accountability, leadership, accounting. A multidisciplinary approach


International Journal of Organizational Leadership calls for submissions to a special issue with the theme “Organization of companies and public and private administrations: ethics, management, accountability, leadership, accounting. A multidisciplinary approach”. The special issue will cover all aspects of private and public organizations with particular reference to leadership, organization, ethics, and accounting. Furthermore, the contributions that address these aspects from a multidisciplinary perspective (psychology, law, medicine, etc.) will be positively evaluated. The journal invites contributions from all over the world seeking to broaden understandings of organizational leadership.




Philipp Hohrath

Ramboll Management Consulting GmbH



Ubaldo Comite

University Giustino Fortunato, Italy

Main themes:

1 organization

2 company

3 leadership

4 management

5 work

6 private and public administration

7 accounting

8 accountability


Relevant Dates: 

Abstract Submission Deadline(Extended): May  30, 2021

Full Paper Submission Deadline for Accepted Abstracts (Extended): June 30, 2021

Review Result: July 30, 2021

Publication Date: August 30, 2021


Submission Guideline:

  • Follow the guidelines given by the APA manual (6th ed.) intimately. A useful resource for APA 6th Edition is: and APA''''''''s Checklist for Manuscript Submission.
  • Manuscripts need to be approximately 8000 words in length with, title, abstract, notes, tables, appendix, and references included. Longer or shorter manuscripts might also be considered depending on the quality of content and the contribution to the field.
  • Please submit a separate title page with author name(s) and affiliations and mailing address of corresponding author. Please submit the main manuscript as a blinded manuscript without any author names and affiliations in the text or the title page.
  • Double Publication is NOT accepted. All manuscripts submitted should be original work and must not be under consideration by other publications.
  • The language of the journal is English. Manuscripts should meet high academic writing standards. 
  • All manuscripts should be sent to

Abstract Submission Guideline:

  • Abstract: 150-200 words (including title, and three to five keywords)
  •  Submissions should be sent

Inquiries may be sent to:
