Journal Review: Applied Marketing Analytics

Canadian Institute for Knowledge Development (CIKD), is an international, multi-disciplinary research, publishing, consulting and training institute and one of the most expert institutions of its kind committed to organizing and developing educational events and conferences in different fields.

One of its leading conferences is the 4th international conference on new directions in business, management, finance and economics (ICNDBM).

A selection of accepted full papers at the conference will be recommended to the affiliated journals at the publication opportunity section of the event.

You will find a number of leading ISI and Scopus indexed journals in this section, of which we reviewed the Global Business and Organizational Excellence in the previous post. Global Business and Organizational Excellence is a bi-monthly journal that “publishes applied research and detailed case studies on operational issues in global organizations with a focus on managerial implications in a global business environment,” according to the announcement made by Wiley Online Library.

Here, in this post, we will review Applied Marketing Analytics, which is the major professional journal publishing in-depth, peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of measuring and analyzing marketing performance to improve its effectiveness. It has been accepted for inclusion in the abstract and citation database, Scopus.

What is Scopus?

According to Elsevier, Scopus is a source-neutral abstract and citation database created by independent subject matter experts. It places powerful discovery and analytics tools in the hands of researchers, librarians, institutional research managers, and funders. 

As Elsevier explains, Scopus can help you with the platform and analytical tools to showcase and leverage research quickly, Whether it’s to discover funding information, advance your career, make strategic decisions, prove ROI or simply to save time, being able to quickly access and make sense of emerging trends, find collaborators and discover competitive insights is crucial.

Henry Stewart Publications

This publication is a leading publisher of vocational journals that support employability and career development. It specializes in journals that combine contributions from senior practitioners and respected consultancies with applied research from leading academics in the field. Many of the world’s most respected corporations and consultancies together with scholars and librarians at world-leading universities and other research institutions subscribe to Henry Stewart Publications' journals, including Applied Marketing Analytics.

Applied Marketing Analytics 

Applied Marketing Analytics is guided by its respected Editorial Board, and its target readership includes anyone with an interest in marketing analytics, customer insight and business intelligence, but specifically senior marketing professionals based at brand owners, marketing analytics consultants, advertising agencies and media, service providers, market and consumer researchers as well as academics and researchers in universities and business schools.

This journal appears both in print and online – publishes detailed, practical articles written by and for marketing analytics professionals on innovative thinking, strategies, techniques, software and applied research.