This study aims to analyze and explain the influence of transglobal leadership on employee
work motivation, the influence of transglobal leadership on organizational culture, the effect
of transglobal leadership on organizational commitment, the effect of transglobal leadership
on employee performance, the influence of motivation on employee performance, the
influence of organizational culture on employee performance, and the influence of
organizational commitment on employee performance. This research is an explanatory study
using a survey methodology. This research was conducted in 42 cooperative units of
government agencies in Makassar City. The population is 418 cooperative employees. The
sample was taken using the Stratified Random Sampling method of 180 people. Data were
collected through questionnaires and interviews. Data analysis used Partial Least Square
(PLS). The results obtained from testing of the seven hypotheses showed that there were six
hypotheses accepted because they had a positive and significant effect and one hypothesis was
rejected because it had an insignificant effect, namely the effect of organizational commitment
on employee performance. Cooperative managers need to pay more attention to relationships
with customers, review fair wages and regulations and rewards to employees, increase
understanding of shared values and meanings, increase understanding of aspects of work, and
improve employee positive attitudes