Iran is placed among 10 vulnerable countries of the world in terms of threats of natural
disasters. Currently, there is no reversibility model in Iran to return to the normal
conditions after earthquake occurrence. This study identifies and prioritizes effective
elements and develop a top option for designing a reversibility model against earthquakes.
Structural equations modeling technique was employed for overlapping and Topsis
algorithm was used for multi-criteria group decision making to rank the efficient and key
elements for reversibility against earthquake. In designing model, system dynamics was
used in the field of system analysis. As a result, the relief logistic option was selected as the
top option with a large difference from other options. The reversibility model against
earthquake was designed by explaining different dimensions of the top option, drawing a
casual loop and entry of quantitative functions into the mathematical model. The presented
model could simulate the probable condition of crisis management during earthquake
occurrence in Ardabil city by selecting the order of tasks as well as the people and
organizations performing the tasks and optimum allocation of resources. Since the designed
model is completely dynamic, it can be utilized for predicting different earthquake