The purpose of this study is to examine factors of human resource management practices
affecting organizational performance. This study employed descriptive method in gathering,
analyzing, interpreting, and presenting the information. The descriptive research design helped
in identifying the strength of the relationship between factors of human resource management
practices affecting organizational performance. Questionnaires were distributed to employees
of Jakel Trading Company in Johor, Malaysia and of the total obtained, 139 responses were
usable and analyzed. Inferential statistics were also performed for data analysis and
presentation purposes. Correlations and frequencies were among the statistical measures used
in this study. Based on the findings, all three hypotheses formed at the beginning of the study
were supported. The results of multiple regression showed that staff training, performance
appraisal and rewards, as well as recognition are all significant factors of human resource
management practices affecting organizational performance. It was also found that staff
training and recognition do affect the organizational performance as a whole. This study
provides input to employers on how to reward and motivate their staff for better performance