Professional ethics is a factor that under influence of external factors and with the help of individual conscience
causes adherence (Dos and Donts) in a person. As Professional ethics beproperly guided and strengthened by
social or environmental elements, consequently, its effects will appear on the output or final product in a
desirable way. This study examines the so cialinfluencing factors on the individual’s level of professional ethics
in the workplace. Datagathering tool is questionnaire; Type of research is causal comparative and the research
sample is consisted of 400 workers in the industrial zones Number One and Number Two of Ardabil. There
search instrument was researcher made questionnaire (including 78 questions), interview and also observation.
Findings show that socio-cultural factors primarily and individual-personality factors in second, affect the
person’s work ethics. In addition, Social factors such as intimaterelationships, Gender, education and skills,
income, religious beliefs and job stability, has apositive impact on a persons work ethics.