Many factors influence human and social systems’ behaviour. The main aim of the current study was to check the status of intelligence in emotional, cultural, and ethical dimensions. Besides, the study examined the effect of those dimensions of intelligence on improving the performance of public and private banks in Ardabil. The current study was practical in terms of the method; cross-sectional in terms of time; inductive in terms of implementation logic; quantitative in terms of the implementation process; and causal in terms of purpose. The population of the study included the managers of public banks of Melli and Sepah and private banks of Pasargad, Eghtesad-e Novin, and Mehr of Ardabil. A questionnaire was set up by the researcher to evaluate the effects of intelligence in emotional, cultural, and ethical dimensions on the banks’ performance. The Cronbach test was used to test the reliability of the questionnaire. Descriptive statistics such as frequency, medium, and mean were used to describe the demographic of the participants. Inferential statistic tests such as Kolmogorov-Smirnov, regression, and independent t were used to analyse the data. The findings of the study showed that in both public and private banks, intelligence in emotional, cultural, and ethical dimensions had a positive impact on the performance of the banks. The effects of cultural intelligence on the performance of the public banks were more than the private banks. However, the impact of emotional and ethical intelligence on the performance of the private banks was more than the public banks.