The current paper aimed to analyze the predictive power of conscientiousness and agreeableness which are important personality characteristics of businessmen and related to potential to work with customers. The sample consisted of 122 respondents, 42 women and 80 men (average age was 28.71 and standard deviation 2.98) working in business area with customers. The data were collected through NEO-Five Factor Inventory which measured the level of agreeableness and conscientiousness developed by McCrae and Costa (1987) in Slovak translated by Hrebicková and Urbánek (2001) and SKASUK- Scale of potential to work with customer developed by Sonnenberg in Slovak translated by Kovác (2006). Based on the confirmed aspects it was concluded that motivation to help had significant predictive power in predicting conscientiousness. Dominance and social appreciation did not have significant predictive power in predicting conscientiousness. We found that characteristics which are potential to work with customer did not have significant predictive power in predicting agreeableness. Social appreciation contributed to prediction of agreeableness at significant level.