Public trust is one of the social capita als that can lead to integration in social systems. Trust linnks the citizens to organizations and institutions whic ch are representing them and in this way it increases s a government’s legitimacy and effectiveness. In the e communications industry nothing is more important than making the public trust the media. So building t trust and reflecting the facts on social, political and eco onomical issues is one of the essentials of media wor rk. Hence, this study set out to investigate the effectiive factors which contribute to increasing public trust ttoward media and to give a conceptual model for it in I Iran. In this sense, these questions were posed: what is s public trust and what is media trust? What are the ef ffective factors on each of these trusts? What appropri iate models can there be for achieving public trust for a media in Iran? Finally, at the end some suggestions are given based on the 5 effective factors of public trus st for media which can be manipulated to enhance media a trust in modern Iran.