Organizational theory, as a field of study, offers to those interested some effective ways of thinking. This
knowledge helps managers make organizational behavior more efficient through analyzing complex situations
and developing effective tools to resolve them. In other words, it opens human mind to different aspects of life
inside and outside the organization. Therefore, the value of organizational theory is in changing managers
thinking ways, thought patterns and performance. But a fact should also be considered, that organizational
theories, affected by the passage of time and existing changes, have transformed and become variant, thus have
not been always neatly compatible with one another. To the extent that, some scientists have considered this
situation as a shaky foundation for a scientific discipline. In the same vein, the present paper investigates
systemic thinking as a new knowledge of organizational theory. The literature indicates that knowing this
thinking is essential and it triggers change in people’s thought and attitudes, as such, organizations
management, i.e., systems management becomes more effective. But through more reflecting, it can be
apprehended that this knowledge is accompanied by some contradictions and complexities that harm its
coherence and scientific message. This situation requires wisdom, reinvestigation and reform.